A little gift from Desmos

Last summer, the super-smart, super-creative team at Desmos (in partnership with Dan Meyer, who may or may not be one of the Desmos elves) released a lovely lesson titled “Penny Circle“. It’s great stuff and you should play around with it if you haven’t already.

The structure of that activity, the graphic design, the idea that a teacher dashboard can give rich and interesting information about student thinking (not just red/yellow/green based on answers to multiple choice questions)—all of it lovely.

And—in my usual style—I had a few smaller critiques.

What sometimes happens when smart, creative people hear constructive critiques is they invite the authors of the critique to contribute.

Sometimes this is referred to as Put your money where your mouth is. So late last fall, I was invited to do this very thing.

I have been working with Team Desmos and Dan Meyer on Function Carnival. Today we release it to the world. Click through for some awesome graphing fun!


It was a ton of fun to make. I was delighted to have the opportunity to offer my sharp eye for pedagogy and task design, and to argue over the finer details of these with creative and talented folks.

Go play with it.

Then let us know what we got right and what we got wrong (comments, twitter, About/Contact page).

Because I just might get the chance to work on the next cool thing they’re gonna build.

6 responses to “A little gift from Desmos

  1. Umm – really cool

    Mary R. Daunis PhD Normandale Community College

  2. Pingback: dy/dan » Blog Archive » Three Claims Function Carnival Makes About Online Math Education

  3. Wow. Wow. Wow. I can think of so many ways to use this!! And can “we” design a quadratic ride?? 🙂 Thanks for creating this. I can’t even imagine the number of hours of work. Bless you all!

  4. Wow! Well that’s today’s lesson for three of my classes. My fourth grade class had worked on “story graphs” last month so I just used your carnival with them this morning – they were so excited! I gave them graph paper to draw their own, they voted on which was likely the closest and then let that student draw it on your program. They were amazed at how different their perceptions were from the actual graphs and took turns trying to improve their accuracy. I plan to use the Carnival program with a 3rd grade math enrichment group and a fifth grade intervention group later today. It will be interesting to compare all their results. Thanks so much!

  5. Love. It. I shared it with a friend who teaches 7th grade. This is very accessible and lots of fun. Thank you!

  6. Pingback: Function Carnival | rawsonmath

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